The world’s most okayest website

Here is a picture of two of my sleepy cats because I wasn’t going to leave the stock photo.
It’s here in all it’s glory.
So I’ve been working on and off on the website since October of 2021. I am not a website developer or anything of that sort. At best I could probably earn a Windows cert for IT purposes and even then I’d have to do a good amount of studying. That being said, I think it’s aggressively okay. I know there are some issues, things spelled incorrectly, and it’s just kinda bare. It will get better with time. I’m gonna walk through a few of the important bits for our community.
A couple important features.
Its got a contact page, a newsletter sign-up, and a calendar
The contact page is more for people who don’t come to the store on a regular basis and want to ask questions. For people who are, “regulars” we still ask that you use the Facebook messanger page, phone, or come see my beautiful face. If you don’t have Facebook and don’t want to call, the contact us page is for you.
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