notice board
This will be a place that we will post relevant updates and issues going on at Parallax. Please check our calendar for full schedules or drop us a line on the Contact form. Thanks!
12/24/24 – 1/14/25
Parallax Games
Holiday break
8/7/24 – 3:30PM
Parallax Games
Commander league start
Parallax Games
Card singles binders are only going to be available for the following times starting immediately:
Tuesday through Friday from 4PM to 8PM
Saturday from Noon to 8PM
They will be made unavailable at staff discretion due to projects, events, business at the time.
The reason for this change is that we have already had to limit the time people spend browsing these binders because they take advantage of them and will spend hours looking at them. This makes for a poor shopping experience for other customers. This also severely limits the amount of time staff get to complete other work duties that are critical.
Binder browsing needs to be constantly supervised because they contain thousands of dollars worth of cards and customers often have lots of questions about things in them, so we cannot do other work while we have customers looking at binders, browsing the rest of the store, running events, and more. Further, we have run the numbers thoroughly and found that the time invested versus dollars made is actually quite poor. While we want to continue to offer them as a feature of the store we need to put these rules in place in order for them to make sense from a business standpoint.
We highly encourage everyone to come prepared with what they’re looking for so that we can best serve all customers who come to Parallax.
The following rules that are already in place will still apply: You have 30 minutes, per person, per day to browse the binders. No, you cannot look for 5 minutes now, 20 minutes later, and 5 more minutes later than that. We are not going to keep track of that, especially based on the return-on-investment for the time and effort spent. You get one chance per day unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances. Pricing is done by “market price.” Only two people are allowed to be looking through binders at any given time as that is the amount of people we are comfortable serving while also attending to other customers, events, and projects.
Parallax Games
lorcana re-stocks
Every Friday
Parallax Games
friday night magic
Unless its a pre-release event, all FNMs are going to be Modern Format, the last Friday of the month will be Legacy. Entry for the Modern/Legacy events will be $10, it will be 3 rounds of swiss pairings, minimum of four players needed, pack per win, always get a pack if you go 0-3. Please check the calendar or our Facebook page for any other updates!
Parallax Games
event requests
From now on if you want to request an event for Parallax Games to host you will need to fill out the following form: Please ensure that you’re asking at least 30 days in advance. If you have questions about anything on the form please send us a message over Facebook in the Contact form on the Contact Us Page. Please fill out all the information as accurately and descriptively as possible, thanks!
Pre-Orders & Special orders
Pre-orders and special orders are held for two weeks from their release date or received date. If they are not picked up by then, they are put on the shelf for general sale. Some special order and pre-order items may require up-front payment, determined by staff at the time of order1