Friday nights means Magic: The Gathering! Our events for this month are:
4/7 – Casual Commander format – $7 – Bring a deck and some friends, play a game and get a pack and other possible promos/prizes
4/14 – March of the Machines Pre-release – $30 – This is a sealed event with one round of deckbuilding and three rounds of swiss pairings. Prizes will be March of the Machines packs.
4/21 – March of the Machines Release Draft – $15 – Format is draft with one round of drafting and three rounds of swiss pairings. Prizes will be March of the Machines packs.
4/28 – Legacy – $7 – Legacy is the format with three rounds of swiss pairings.
All events start at 7PM, with format and price subject to change. Need minimum 8 players to proceed with an event.